The goal of every classroom is to learn.  In order to do this we have to create an environment for learning.  This is the responsibility of the teacher and the student.

Identifying the problem -If you; 

1. Make it hard for yourself to learn,

2. Make it hard for others to learn, or

3. Make it hard for me to teach

then you have done something wrong.

Solving the problem-

1st step- I ask if you can change the behavior

2nd step- you go to the "safe seat"

3rd step- We send to you seek help somewhere else. 

Before you do anything I want you to think- 

"Am I willing to accept the consequences- everything has consequences, some good, some bad"

Addressing the "I am not the only one doing it" problem;

The response is simple - the issue is not what everyone else is doing, it is what you were doing - what you were doing is against class rules and I do not approve of what you were doing - if you are concerned with what "everyone else is doing," then get them to stop it - if you are not willing to do so, then why should I take into account what "everyone else is doing" when you are not willing to assume responsibility for your own actions, let alone for your peers. 

Of course they will think it is unfair - what is happening is simple, if you watch a basketball game, you know that often the foul is called on the second person that committed a foul and the first person "gets away with it," if you are so concerned about making sure the foul is called on the first person, then call that person's behavior to my attention, rather than responding to what that person did.  If you are not willing to do so, then stop complaining and accept the responsibility for what you did.