The "Middle East" - How did WW1 had an impact on it?

This is a map of the Middle East before World War One


This is a map of the Middle East after World War One


MSNBC's Video explaining the complexity of the Middle East

Atatürk’s Turkey Day Parade


Wait…what?  This isn’t thanksgiving, we are not in New York, I don’t see any Macy’s Day floats- and where is the TURKEY!

I apologize; maybe the name is a little confusing…

You have just been selected as a chairperson for helping organize a parade.  The parade is in honor of Turkey’s (the country) greatest leader (Kemal Atatürk).

The Plans

The parade needs a number of different floats, each representing a different contribution Atatürk made to Turkey’s modernization.  Atatürk participated in a Military Revolution and helped found and reform a new government.

Floats need to be made for important contributions such as but are not limited to;

---His defeating the Allies at Gallipoli Peninsula

---His organization of a Turkish Nationalist Movement.

---His involvement in the Women’s Rights Movement.

---Reforms in Education

---He introduced the Roman Alphabet to the Turkish Language.

If it seems we can work productively and fairly together- we can work in groups.  For each float you need to first research the “idea,” then come up with an explanation for what will be on the float (and why it is important) and then sketch up what the float will look like.

You must do all of this before you can build the float.  

This is a great website to get you started;

remember- do NOT copy and paste!

Alternative Assignment

1.     Describe the decline of the Ottoman Empire.

2.     How did the discovery of oil effect Southwest Asia and the Middle East?

3.     Describe the development of the following nations:




            -Saudi Arabia

1.     Describe the role Arab Nationalism played in the development of the Middle East.

2.     Describe the Armenian Genocide.

3.     Define Zionism.

4.     What was the Balfour Declaration and its outcome?